- Delicious health Wild Rice
- From California's Fall River Valley, Trader Joe's Wild Rice thrives in the fertile clay soils, clean air and crisp waters that flow from Mt. Shasta.
- Grains are dark, slightly glossy, and uniform in length - all good signs of quality wild rice
- Has a deep nutty and grassy flavor
- One pound makes between 16-22 servings.
The key to crafting an exceptional wild rice dish is in the caliber of the kernels. From California's Fall River Valley, Trader Joe's Wild Rice thrives in the fertile clay soils, clean air and crisp waters that flow from Mt. Shasta. The rice grains are dark, slightly glossy, and uniform in length - all good signs of quality wild rice. We cooked up a batch and were rewarded with chewy bits of burst rice (a good thing!) that had a deep nutty and grassy flavor. They work closely with the growers to ensure consistent quality. A one pound makes between 16-22 servings.